Monday, October 28, 2013

Tac's First Birthday!
Maannnn, I hope I am not the only mom who gets way too worked up about things like Baptisms, birthdays, holidays... ALL the expectations and pressure! Is it all in my head? Real, Imagined?
All I know is that there seems to be a lot of it. I suffer from a condition known as learned perfectionism. I am not a natural perfectionist- it doesn't suit me so when it comes out it ain't pretty. I think most women can relate to this. I don't know if you learned you had to be a perfectionist from society or within your self, home... nature nurture blah blah. Again, I do  not know but the pressure is there. This sounds like it needs to be its own post.

Back to the Birthday BOY!
This party was amazing! I was most anxious about people coming or not and guess what!? you all came and it meant the world to me. Tac knew you were there. He recognized his little friends and he knew the day was about him. He had so much fun playing at his favorite park. He did a great job during the (another pressure moment) first cake photo op. He wore his hat that I made him. He smiled, he made a mess, he played, he played, he played. He even napped before the party so he was in a good mood....not so much after. We came home and tried to get him to nap...NOT. So we invited the IN LAWS back and opened presents instead. He definitely understood that the day was about him.
So at least my stress did not overshadow His special day.

I cannot express how much it meant to have so many friends make such an effort to come celebrate with us. I will never forget the kindness.


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